Contact G PAC

P.O. Box 4326
Louisville, KY 40204

Mission Statement

The mission of G PAC is to support elected officials who seek to build more vibrant cities, and who represent the values of progress, health, compassion and lifelong learning. G PAC thinks good government is important at all levels, that's why our organization supports federal, state, and local candidates.

Give to G PAC

To contribute to G PAC, fill out the form below.

* required field.

Name is required.

Employment Information

Employer is required.
Occupation is required.

The FEC requires committees to use its best efforts to collect the name, address, occupation and employer from people who contribute more than $200 to a committee. Self-employed and businessperson are insufficient. Please list the name of the business and your title.

Contribution Information

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By clicking on the Contribute button above, you agree to the following statements:

  • I am a United States citizen or an individual lawfully admitted with permanent residence status (e.g., a "green card holder").
  • This contribution is made from the funds of the donor identified above, and not those of another.
  • Donor is not a foreign national who lacks permanent resident status in the United States. This contribution is not made from the treasury of an entity or person who is a federal contractor (does not apply to personal contributions by subcontractors, employees, partners, shareholders or officers of federal contractors).
  • This contribution is made on a credit or debit card of the donor listed above for which the donor has legal obligation to pay, and is not made on the card of another.